
I studied at the Architecture Department Ludovico Quaroni "La Sapienza" of Rome, graduating with honors.
Since higher education I attended arts classes and I graduated from the Art Institute of Architecture and Interior Design of Macerata, but my passion for design and craftsmanship stems largely from my origins, since I was little, in the family's lathe, I enjoyed to craft, or at least i tried, everything that came to my head.
I love to compare and face different and far realities, I have had experiences of architectural design in Brazil, at the Architecture Department of the University of Salvador De Bahia, in China at the design studio Damu in Xi'an and Indonesia where I follow the design, the manufacture and sale of models for the company Parigiani L.t.d..
In the lsat Years I got I worked for improve my CGi and Rendering skills working with Architecture and Design Companies.

Side Projects